Simulated trips to outer space were one of the oldest shows in the history of theme parks, and in the
1970's the Wisdom ride company developed the first production model simulator ride which could be
used in fairs and parks.  It was trailer mounted for portability.

In 1978 a portable simulator ride was introduced at Great Adventure - the AstroLiner. The ride was the first simulator style ride produced and though primitive by today's standards, it offered a unique thrill. The ride only lasted one season, occupying the former Clown Bounce location in Kiddie Kingdom and blocking what had been the entrance to the Pet-A-Pet area which was closed for the 1978 season.


Little is known about this undocumented kiddie ride at Great Adventure.  It was never mentioned in any park literature or featured on park maps or pamphlets.  If you have any photos or information on the AstroLiner please contact us at .
Similar Astro-Liner Ride at Dutch Wonderland - Lancaster, PA