Park souvenirs have come in all shapes and sizes over the years but probably the most popular item has always been the ubiquitous t-shirt with hundreds of styles being sold in parks each year.


1976-1977 Aqua Souvenirs
1978 Shirt Shop
1979-1988 Shirt Barn 
In the seasons after Great Adventure opened, the park's facilities lineup was quickly expanded to meet the demands of the public, with more shops, restrooms and restaurants being added each season to help supplement the initial offerings. For the 1976 season a new shop was added near the front entrance to the Aqua Stadium offering an array of souvenirs. The aptly named Aqua Souvenirs sold an array of merchandise though primarily  specializing in t-shirts.
For the 1978 season the shop was renamed the Shirt Shop reflecting the increased emphasis on shirt sales and the expanded array of shirts which could be customized for guests using an iron-on machine.
From 1979 to 1988 the shop took on yet another name as the Shirt Barn with an even greater selection of iron-on style decals and custom printing options.  Soon additional offerings for customization like a wider array of shirt colors as well as other products like visors, hats and tote bags that could be created with images and lettering were made available.  The shop's central location and proximity to the well-attended dolphin and diving shows made it one of the most vistited shops in the park.
The popularity of the Shirt Barn lead to its replacement for the 1989 season with the construction of the Tee-rific store.  Where the Shirt Barn had been a small stand with a front counter, Tee-rific offered a full sized walk in store with air conditioning and expanded sales area.  The Tee-rific stand, which is now home to Flash Pass, owes its existence to the success of its predecessor Shirt Barn.