Many people visiting a park bring excess "stuff" with them, whether layers of clothing for varying temperatures, changes of clothes for the aftermath of water rides, or packing a lunch to try and save a few dollars on in park dining. No one wants to carry that stuff all day, so parks offer lockers to stow items when they are not needed.

  When Great Adventure's entrance was moved in 1976 from the head of Dream Street to it's current location in the center of the park, a small trailer was brought in to serve as a locker facility. With growing attendance, the facility proved too small, and for the 1984 season the park built a brand new locker building. This was the first "real" set of lockers the park offered. The building housed a large number of lockers, but even that became inadequate with time and additional lockers were added on the outside walls of the building to supplement the interior lockers. Eventually the need for lockers completely outgrew the building and a newer, larger facility was built.     
With the addition of a newer, larger locker building added in 1995, the original Front Gate Lockers building was enclosed and re-purposed as a Season Pass center. The Season Pass center had a counter where passes were sold and processed, with cameras mounted to the counter to take the picture for the identification cards.

Eventually Season Pass moved out, and for the end of 2004 the building became the Six Flags Great Adventure What's New Preview Center for The Golden Kingdom and Kingda Ka coming the following year.

In 2005, the building was updated and became the preview center for Plaza del Carnaval, El Toro, and Bugs Bunny National Park for the 2006 season.
  After 2006 the building got a new sign designating it as the VIP Experience Center, and later back to a Season Pass Center.

Over more recent years the facility changed again to a Park Information center before closing with the signage being removed completely from the building.  Afterwards, a generic Ticketing Services sign was added with the facility being used for both for ticket and season pass sales.  With the changes to the Season Pass and Membership programs new colorful signage was recently added to promote the sale of the updated products.  

What started out as a simple open air locker building has transitioned to fill many roles over the years.  From preview centers, to ticketing and information centers, to even a site for getting a COVID-19 shot in 2021, this versatile building continues to be a conveniently located facility serving many purposes.
Original Spotlight:  September 29, 2021.  GAH Reference#:  FACI-1984-001