Saturday - September 19th, 2015

Hard to believe it but Fright Fest 2015 is here!  Today's beautiful weather brought out huge crowds which packed all the rides and later in the evening all the Terror Trails.  Enjoy these photos of the park as the Halloween festivities start up during the first day of Fright Fest and also take note of all the Christmas lights that now dot the majority of structures and trees throughout most of the park.

Lights can now be found outside the park gates.  
How cool is this guy! >>
Only the concrete pool remains at the Aqua Stadium.
  The sand sculpture has been repaired!  
These posted renderings at the preview building illustrate just how impressive Holiday in the Park will be.
  Surprise to see lights on this building in LTSP.  
This gets my vote for best Terror Trail!
Hypnosteria is back... that is scary.  
Really big noodle!    
Temple Waters game is gone.