Saturday - November 5th, 2016

Just a couple of years ago the thought of riding rides at Great Adventure during weekends in November was just a dream.  Sure we had the popular Six Flags Grape Adventure wine event, but that did very little to satisfy those guests thirsty for thrill rides.  With the introduction of Holiday in the Park and the wise decision to take advantage of the weekends between Fright Fest and those twinkling Christmas lights, the park now plays hosts to November crowds that probably rival attendance numbers of the early spring.  It was so nice to be able to enjoy the park on a nice fall day less the ghosts and ghouls typical of this time of year.

Here are some photos of the theme park ala November!

Wine lovers paradise! The fall mum tree is dwarfed by the quickly growing Christmas tree just feet from it.
  So many extension cords!  
Usually I don't care for ads- this one is good!    
New lights line the Dream Street Skyway station!  Hmmm!
Gargoyles out.  Whimsical Wonderland decor surely dresses up this area. 
    Last year this building and its lights were red and blue.   New theming all around! 
Basketless Balloons!
Demon District decor is all gone.     
  The Justice League site is quiet.   
  Lights on Harley Quinn and The Joker!  Hmmm! 
Details coming soon.     
Christmas lights on the Fort!  Hmmm! 
  Cool shirt!   
Glow in the Park floats have been relocated to the old Safari Exploration Station parking lot.