Thursday - May 9th, 2013

Between it being a spring weekday and a risk of thunderstorms in the forecast, crowds were pretty light at the park today.  Work continues at a fever pitch as the May 23rd season pass holder opening of the Safari Off Road Adventure quickly approaches. 

A new "KINGSLAND" sign on the former gate control house now marks the entrance to the lion section of the Safari.
  Camp Aventura work progresses.  
The fourth of the six slides which make up the Big Wave Racer mat slide tower is almost complete.
A crew of workman were all over the Log Flume.
The Safari station blends in nicely with the western surroundings.
Safety poles mark the curving Safari roadway.  
The old bridge is being dismantled. A new bridge will lead guests to the former shootout area where the queue line will be located. The Safari Off Road Adventure queue pads were being poured.
  ^ The exit ramp is under construction.  
A ton of warning signs have been posted all around the park.  If it is not Restricted it is High Voltage!
Blu ads are back in some of the smoking areas. The Safari Discoveries area was closed today.
Before...... .... After!  Nice!  
Rapids sports a lot of new wood. Doorways are being installed on the Studio 28 Arcade.