Saturday  - August 11th, 2012

There is nothing like a good old three park visit during the summer topped off with an evening concert at the Northern Star Arena.  Here are some photos and observations...

Probably a first for Great Adventure - two nighttime concerts at the same time, one at Hurricane Harbor and the other at the theme park.  
On to the Safari Park... Does this HH building remind you of one found in the theme park?  
  This guy is not on the park map!  
  Josh and Rob - The Maniac Driving Duo!  
    Where was this for the last five years?
Dead Man's Party is heading to Movie Town so the Big Wheel and Adventure Alley can remain open throughout Fright Fest! A Fright Fest Maze Assembly Kit
Blast from the Past circa 1991!    
    New rabbit den.
They distributed free Kre-o kits to get the kiddies hooked.  
Overflow (not literally) restrooms for the concert crowd. The Ccnestoga Wagon is looking sharp!  
Pat Benatar put on an excellent concert with all her hits from decades past.  It's hard to believe it has been decades.  Ugh.
Adventure Alley lights up the night at Great Adventure.