Thursday - July 16th, 2020

I finally made it out to the park for the first time this season.  I wasn't avoiding GA due to Covid-19, but instead was waiting for some cooler weather where wearing a mask in the summer heat and humidity wouldn't ruin the trip.  For me not wearing a mask or not wearing it properly is not an option.  Luckily, for the most part, other park-goers felt the same way.  There were exceptions but no more than I have seen at other public places. 

Seeing the park configured for the new regulations and procedures was odd, but it was clear the GA invested a lot of thought and effort in how to safely conduct business while making a visit as enjoyable for guests as possible.  The employees were role models for how guests should interact and how to properly were a mask.  Great job GA team!

Below are photos of a trip through the park today with all the new setups and changes.

The screening process is quick and straight forward including a temperature scan and security check.  It is as simple as walking through the two tent structures.
There is plenty of signage to explain the new procedures.
A sign posted near the fountain explains that most (if not all) projects for 2020 have been delayed including an expanded Johnny Rockets.
Water fountains are out as well as large groups in the restrooms.
The old frog pond's new waterfalls were on. Rides are routinely spayed down. Several trees are missing.
    There is a new queuing setup at the Big Wheel.
Who ever thought this is all we would see of the Jersey Devil Coaster in 2020?  
    They put the BUG back in Bugaboo!
When there is something strange, in the amusement park, who you gonna call...    
New pavement! Justice League is closed for the season.
More missing trees. And missing water fountains!
More new pavement!   And missing flume track!
You can drive, you can drive, you can drive!  
They really gutted this game stand.  
    Looney Tunes Shoppe is gone.