Tuesday - July 26, 2022

After long stretches of 90+ degree days, a break in the temps made for a quick visit to Great Adventure theme park and their Summer Vibes Festival.  During a season with no new major additions, the new festival surely brings splashes of color throughout the park and streetmosphere entertainment which helps fill the void of no shows.  While crowds were light and lines short, it was a great combination to make for an enjoyable afternoon.

So many pinwheels!
The new fountain is pleasantly refreshing. The new family restrooms have opened.  
Air traffic control must have the Barnstormer in a holding pattern.
The cool sprinklers aboard the Six Flags fire truck were welcomed by guests.  
The photo ops in Showcase Vibes were all unique and colorful including one which paid tribute to the park's history.
Forgotten Garden paid tribute to many of the park's removed rides.
Three of the vehicles from the 1974 kiddie classic Cars!Cars! resurfaced!
Hand spun cotton candy!