The biggest change to come to any of the existing structures of the new Safari Exploration Station was the makeover of the old Safari Hospitality Center's original food stand, the Safari Hut.  Long closed as an eatery since 2002, the stand became a combination small animal display area and kennel facility during the final years of the Safari Hospitality Center.  When the area reopened as the Safari Exploration Station this venue would be reintroduced as an education exhibit area called "Doc's Discoveries".  The name was a tribute to Dr. William "Doc" Rives, the current director of the Wild Safari and a man known for his passion and love of animals. 

The interior of Doc's Discoveries features an array of exhibits. The tour began with some of the less cuddly creatures like reptiles and insects who were kept behind glass.  One of these was Rosy the Albino Python, who also made appearances in the adjacent theater and also in The Golden Kingdom.  Along with other living animals were displays of antlers, bones, skulls, shells, eggs, shed fur and skin of some of the animals from the Safari, along with interesting facts about each of these species.

After the closure of the Safari Exploration Station, Doc's Discoveries continued to be used as a classroom facility for the summertime kids camp program.  One of the activities allowed children to paint animal inspired messages on the pull down shutter doors of the facility.  Luckily, the removable paint only lasted for a limited time.